Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

Tutorial Review

This was a tutorial on how to create lightning I found on google. It wasn't that difficult to follow. It told me exactly what I needed to do. At first, I didn't get it because it said to go to the effects menu. I wasn't on the Dynamics setting that it said to go to in this part that didn't look like it was part of the text, so I was looking around aimlessly for this thing. When I finally found it, it was smooth sailing from that point. It's pretty easy to create lightning, though it takes some trial and error to get the right type of lightning.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Definitions and Simplifications

Hierarchy- The organization and prioritization of content as a means to communicate a message.
Simple: Trying to organize ideas so that you could convey something

Parenting- It is when an object influences another, but the second object cannot influence the first.
Simple: If  one object is parented with another object, the parent (The first object) can influence the child (The second object), but the child cannot influence the parent.

Key Frame- Every frame of an animation is directly influenced by the creator
Simple- Making every frame of an animation

Playblast- A low resolution crude render of computer-generated imagery used in CGI production as a check for character and prop positioning and lighting resolution
Simple: A basic render to test lighting and positioning of objects